Running a business can cause you to be at risk for different reasons. You could be sued for liability in an accident occurring on your property and you could even be sued because of slander or copyright infringement. This is why it is imperative you are properly covered with Business Insurance in Hamlin, PA. Without the right amount of coverage, your business could suffer from having to pay out thousands of dollars in legal fees and then being required to pay a settlement. To make sure you are covered properly, you could benefit from sitting down with an insurance agent, so you can get helpful advice in choosing a policy for your business needs.
What Does Business Insurance Cover?
- Liability – Should a customer fall and become injured on your property, you could be liable for the damages and injuries the person faces. To protect yourself during the process, you would need to hire a lawyer, which can be expensive. If you lose in the case, you would be required to pay for the damages and injuries through an award settlement. This could cause you to need to liquidate your business assets and could potentially cause your business to go under. If you have Business Insurance in Hamlin, PA, you are covered in the case of a lawsuit, including your legal costs.
- Copyright – Copyright infringement is a serious charge that no one should enter into lightly. In today’s society, more and more people are becoming prone to entering court cases where they sue another party. If you are charged with copyright infringement or slander, your company will be fully protected and the insurance policy will pay for your legal fees and for any award amount charged against you.
Business insurance can also protect you in the event one of your shareholders dies or you lose assets through a bad transaction. Since different types of polices offer different coverage, it is in your best interest to choose wisely and gather as much information as possible before you make a final decision.
If you are a business owner and need insurance, contact the Olsommer-Clarke Insurance Group, Inc.. They can help you by providing insurance for all of your needs.