Turfgrass is used to correct property problems like drainage and grading. It is also an excellent way to transform plain soil into a lawn quickly. There are different types and grades of turf so be sure to use a turf farm that provides State Certified Sod. This will most likely to be a tall fescue blend that grows well in the Mid-Atlantic region.
The Blend
This blend is the most common to use because it requires the least amount of Turfgrass Maintenance Service in Ashburn VA. It is a combination of one type of bluegrass and three types of tall fescue. The appearance is greener than other blends and keeps color longer. Less fertilizer is required to keep it healthy and the blend tolerates some shade without turning brown.
The tall fescue is drought resistant which is a significant benefit in these days and years of global warming. Rainfall is becoming unpredictable and water is becoming scarce, so a hearty blend is the way to go. Another important factor to healthy turf is to get it harvested on the same day it is to be installed onto the property. Experienced farms, such as Premier Turf Farms, will not harvest sod until the day is will be picked up or delivered.
Establishing Roots
The key to Turfgrass Maintenance Service in Ashburn VA is the proper amount of water for the first two to three weeks. The total watering time varies depending on the condition of the soil, the season it is installed, and the daily temperature. Depleted soil will require more water. The same is true of turf installed in the summer.
The easiest way to determine when the sod is properly watered is to look at it. Carefully roll back the sod and inspect the ground. Some parts will be dry and there will also be wet spots. When the ground is more wet than dry, the task is about fifty percent complete. When the ground is completely wet, it is time to stop watering for that day. Timing how long that takes will serve as a reference for watering moving forward. This avoids the need to roll back the sod for more than a day or two so roots can begin to grow.