The Promotion of Independence: Day Habilitation Dartmouth MA

by | Jun 28, 2013 | Health

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For those who are mentally or physically challenged, the activities of daily living may be complicated and require professional instruction for the performance of self-care. The skills that are necessary for counting change, reading street signs and handling emergency situations may require special instruction and adaptive measures. A habilitation program is designed to help people achieve independence to the maximum of their potential. Learn more about how Day Habilitation Service MA helps challenged people become an active member of their community.

Improve Social Interactions and Communication

People with developmental disabilities may have never had the opportunity to learn how to successfully communicate with others, or may require further instruction to improve their existing skills. Learning to make eye contact and how to focus on conversation can help the individual express themselves and follow a dialogue with less frustration. In addition, people who are capable of sharing experiences and engaging in conversation may feel that they are an important part of the community.

The Development of Cognitive Skills

A goal of the Day Habilitation in Dartmouth MA is to improve cognition and help people manage time, pay bills or make change at the cash register when shopping. Complex situations such as following a bus schedule or finding an address requires practice, and those with developmental disabilities have trained instructors to help them learn the navigation of their community.

Vocational Training

Most everyone feels a sense of purpose and pride when they are employed and earn money. Habilitation initiatives can provide a job that matches an individual’s interests, physical abilities and personality. Job coaching also helps the person manage work-related stress and improves their ability to communicate in the work environment.

Self-Care and Independence at Home

Occupational therapists provide strategies for the physically challenged to care for themselves at home. People with restricted mobility can learn to use adaptive devices for reaching, cleaning and cooking. Challenged individuals learn chair-to-bed transfer techniques that allow them to safely increase their mobility and acquire more independence.

Day Habilitation Dartmouth MA

Habilitation programs consist of highly trained and professional staff that help challenged persons become more independent, function at their maximum potential and engage in their community. Vocational training and job coaching in these programs provides people with jobs that are based on their abilities and interests.

Better Community Living, Inc. Dartmouth MA have experienced in Day Habilitation providing day services to individuals for over two decades.

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