The Toddler Swim Classes in Tucson AZ Transition, From Scared Toddler to Independent Swimming Fanatic

by | Jun 10, 2015 | Swimming Pools and Spas

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By the time the kids exit the Toddler Swim Classes in Tucson AZ, they will be masters of their new domain. Okay, so that may be an exaggeration. What is not an exaggeration is that even the most scared toddlers leave the program accustomed to the same thing they feared. The swimming lessons are all about transitions. How can a small team, usually one or two trainers, turn a beyond frightened toddler into a little comfortable swimmer? Those interested can immediately click for more info.

From Fear to Toe-Dipping

The Toddler Swim Classes in Tucson AZ work in stages. The first stage is actually getting the child in the water. It is understandable that this will take a little time for some children, so there should be no worry. The team may begin by allowing the child to play in very shallow water. No child is left out because of their fear of the water.

From Testing the Water to Swimming

The longest point in teaching a child to swim is getting them in the areas of the pool where they know they cannot touch. It takes a serious leap in trust, and that is fine. Patience and slow increases in depth will get them to that point.

From Floating to Independence

The last major stage is, of course, the independent swim. Many toddlers get to the point where they can swim independently of anyone holding them or touching them. This is the ultimate point of success. The satisfaction on their face is amazing.

The team members also stress practical comfort. In other words, the toddlers understand that water can still be dangerous if they are not comfortable. This is a common parent worry. They believe the toddler’s comfort with the water will encourage them to be liberal with when and how they swim. The team stress safety, including no running and no swimming without a parent being close by. The team may practice dunking exercises (intentionally putting the head under the water for a few seconds) to reiterate the water and what it is capable of. All of these exercises are healthy, and done in a wonderfully safe environment Click for more info.

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