Things to Consider For Sleeve Gastrectomy Houston Surgery

by | Oct 30, 2013 | Health And Fitness

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Obese patients who cannot lose weight are some of the unluckiest dieters out there and that is because no matter what they do, they will eventually be unable to lose the extra weight that’s troubling them so much. If you are one of them and you have experienced years of torture because of your looks, then you should not be worried about this anymore. The Sleeve Gastrectomy Houston procedure is going to allow you to finally get rid of your extra fat and live a normal life.

Weeks Prior to Surgery

This type of surgery is also known as a Bariatric surgery and it will finally allow you to lose weight quite fast. However, you need to know that there are certain lifestyle changes you’ll need to make to be successful with it. And the most important thing to keep in mind is that you’ll have to make these changes before you’ll go to the hospital. Ideally, it’s best if you can start losing fat before the actual procedure and if you smoke, try waiting at least thirty days before the operation. After that, you should not smoke for another 30 days or just quit it.

Days Prior to Surgery

A few days before having the surgery, you should not take medications that can make your blood thinner, like aspirin. On top of that, you’ll also need to consider a liquid diet, which will help with shrinking your organs. Because of that, the surgeon will be able to benefit from more room while he’s performing the surgery.

1 Day Prior to Surgery

24 hours before the surgery, you’ll need to pack a small case with some magazines you can read or books, flat shoes and a change of comfortable clothes. You should also make sure that you have someone who can take you to the hospital and also get you back home. At least eight hours prior to the surgery, you should not drink or eat anything, as this will ensure the stomach is empty and minimize the risk of you throwing up and choking. Good luck with it!

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