Things to Think About When You Design Custom T-shirts Online in Brooklyn NY

by | May 17, 2018 | Clothing

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There is an abundance of reasons why people are interested in custom T-shirt designing programs and websites, one of the reasons being that it allows people to be creative and fun while still making amazing T-shirts. When you are working on ideas for shirt designs, there are some important things you should keep in mind.

Shirt Styles- Most places that let you make custom T-shirts online in Brooklyn NY have a range of shirt styles to choose from. It’s important to have a number of styles so people have more options. This will allow the customer to find just what they are looking for.

Color Contrasts- When choosing a specific design, color coordination is extremely important. While some colors may complement each other, others do not. Additionally, some colors can be harder to see if placed on or next to other colors.

Designs– If you are creating a design rather than using an image or pattern from the internet, you should consider its size, make sure it is not too small or too detailed. In addition, always ensure it looks good on different colors.

Text Size- If you want to complement your design with some sort of text it’s important to pay attention to details such a font, size and color in order to make it is easy to read and look good with your shirt design and style.

For more help, tips, inspiration, and ideas on how to make the perfect custom T-shirts online in Brooklyn NY, check out the amazing selection available on The WillyB Lab and get in touch with us today!

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