Three Facts About Probate That You Should Know When Hiring an Attorney

by | Mar 23, 2020 | Law Firm

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If you’re thinking of looking for a probate law attorney in Coral Springs, FL, there are several things that you need to think about when it comes to probate. Probate is the process of administering an estate of someone who’s died, dividing up or liquidating the assets, and distributing those assets to the heirs or beneficiaries. To have the process go smoothly, you need to have a probate lawyer on your side who knows exactly what they’re doing. Following are some tips that you should know about when working with a probate attorney.

Probate Can Take a Long Time

One of the most frustrating things about the probate process is that it can take a long time. In many cases, it could last anywhere from half a year to several years. The amount of time will depend on how complex the estate is and where the probate is filed. Having a great probate attorney on your side can make things a lot more manageable.

The Probate Process Is Not Private

People entering into probate should know that the process is not private. Once the documents are filed with the court, they become a matter of public record. Keep this in mind when filing the particulars of your case.

Revocable Living Trust May Help Avoid Probate

By setting up a revocable living trust, you should be able to avoid probate. This type of trust is created during your lifetime, and it’s intended to hold all your assets so that they can be distributed after you pass away, preventing the need for having any court involvement at all. This saves a lot of time and headache for both you and your beneficiaries.

Reach out to their website when looking for a probate law attorney in Coral Springs, FL.

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