Three Reasons to Consider Key Card Access in San Antonio for Security

by | Dec 29, 2021 | Fire and Security

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If you are a homeowner with a family, you understand the importance of keeping your home and the people that live inside of it safe at all times. There are a number of security measures designed to monitor and protect your home, and these all start with how the residents get in and out of the building. Have you considered card access in San Antonio, TX? It can be a great way to secure your home and here are some reasons why.

1. Duplication – If you use card access in San Antonio, TX, you are much less likely to get broken into due to duplication. This is because key cards are more difficult to duplicate than traditional keys. The technology required makes it basically impossible.

2. No More Changing Locks – Key cards replace the process of completely changing your locks with a simple reprogramming. Your security professional can do this in just a couple minutes. It’s a good idea to reprogram your keycard if you feel you have too many keys out or if one is lost.

3. Change Permission Immediately – If you need to grant access to a certain area, you can change the seniority on keycards immediately using the software. This means you don’t need to visit the location to help a team member get in like you would have in the past. Key cards are an ideal way to improve the security in your home or your business. If you are interested in learning more about them, contact the pros at South Texas Security Systems by visiting today.

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