Tips and Tricks for Catching Striped Bass

by | Sep 10, 2018 | Games & Sports

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It’s not always simple to bring in a nice catch of striped bass. Sometimes the fish are there but they don’t seem to want your bait. Even switching up lures, speed, and colors just don’t get the fish to bite. It can be a frustrating experience when what you may want is simply to relax. That’s why we wanted to share a few tips for striped bass fishing in the Delta of CA.

Plenty of Speed

If you’re using artificial lures, quickly retrieving it can be the right technique. Fish are likely to bite before they get a chance to scrutinize the lure. The best bet is an artificial lure that maintains swimming action. The type of lures that spins out with extra speed isn’t going to be ideal for this. Anything from metal lures, plastic swimming shads, or poppers can work to your advantage here.

White Water Work

In clear water situations, many anglers are finicky about letting their lure fly into clear water. However, if there are breaking waves in the vicinity, there’s the white water you need to catch a bunch of fish. This can be tricky since you want to time your casts precisely to allow the lure to work on the back of the wash. Some of the best lures for this include bucktails, minnow plugs, and rigged plastic eels.

Change Up Colors

You may need to switch up your colors depending on the conditions you are fishing in. If you’re in calm, clear water, you may find success using subtle patterns and neutral colors. For a cloudier type water, you want to increase visibility. Try using lures in yellow, black, yellow and black, or red and yellow. This will stand out and catch some attention when striped bass fishing in the Delta of CA.

Stick It Out

If you notice the striped bass are active in afternoon, but not picking up on lures, it’s a great idea to show a bit of patience. Most of the other individuals who are fishing are going to give up and go home. This can give you a chance to partake in some of the best bites of the day. You just have to be willing to put in the time.

Fishing Charters for You

At Delta Fishing Charters, we can guide you on a journey to catch striped bass or much other fish. We provide the boat, rod and reel, and lures – all you need to bring is yourself. To learn more about our services, visit us at

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