Although the winter is gone and summer is starting to heat up, you can still take advantage of some tips when you are heating in Plymouth. Heating costs soar through the roof when the snow starts to fall outside, so read on below for some tips to help you control those cost when the winter winds once again start to blow.
Lower the Heat
While it may seem that having the thermostat set as high as you can get it, is a good idea, it in reality runs your electric bill through the roof. A good rule of thumb to follow is that you save 3 percent for every degree you turn your thermostat back. Turn it down 10 degrees when you are at work, and when you go to bed, which is a total of about 16 hours a day. You can be assured that your electric bill will drop quite a bit, even though you are heating in Plymouth.
Use Fans
Fans are not just for the hot weather; you can use fans to circulate the warm air as well. You do want to turn them off as soon as the room has heated up.
Keep the Damper on the Fireplace Closed
Keeping the damper on your fireplace closed is another way to make sure that your electric bill stays low. You do not want the cold air swooping down the chimney and into your home, or the heat rising up the chimney, instead of staying put.
Turn Down the Temperature on the Hot Water Heater
While there is nothing like taking a hot, hot shower after being out in the cold, you don’t have to have hot, hot, hot water to do it. Turning down the temperature on the water heater to 115 to 120 degrees will be a big help when it comes to the high cost of heating your home.
If you use curtains and follow the tips above, you are sure to have a great winter, and might even end up with some money left over to go ice-skating after the light bill is paid. Click Here for more information.