Tips for Educating Your Students About the Holocaust in a Structured Way

by | Oct 20, 2022 | Roofing Services

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While in high school, there can sometimes be a few sensitive topics that are discussed. One of these is the Holocaust. Here are a few tips to keep in mind if you decide to plan a few lessons about this time in history.


When you begin teaching the Holocaust to high schoolers, you want to define some of the key terms that they could hear in a way that is sensitive while still providing the proper education. You want to talk about who was involved and why it happened as well as where it took place.


There will likely be questions from your students regarding all areas of the Holocaust. Try to avoid simple answers as some of the events that occurred during this time weren’t simple. Students might want to know about overall human behavior and why others would have allowed the events to happen or how the Holocaust impacted history at the time as well as in the present day.


Sometimes, it’s better to gather a few different types of sources before preparing your lesson so that you have multiple viewpoints of the events. You could also have a few speakers talk to your class. While there might not be direct survivors of the Holocaust, there could be descendants who can offer insight as to how their family members were treated and the things that they experienced. Consider gathering pictures that are educational while also depicting the pain that people felt while teaching Holocaust to high schoolers and even other students you encounter.

Contact ZACHOR Holocaust Curriculum for more information.

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