Tips For Getting Bad Credit Loans

by | Jan 31, 2014 | Loan

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In today’s economy and job market more and more people are facing the very real issue of bad credit. Most people work very hard to keep their credit score as high as possible but even small issues like late or missed payments or being overextended financially can drop your score dramatically. The result is that you may not be able to get the money you need from a traditional lender, but you can still qualify for bad credit loans.

Bad credit loans are considered, by banks and other types of institutional lenders, to be a high risk transaction. They are not looking at you as an individual with an income and a proven track record of doing your best; they look at you as a score on a credit report. Regardless of the reason, which could have been a foreclosure, bankruptcy, medical emergency or other accident out of your control, that bad credit score is going to push you out of consideration.

Short Term Loans

Bad credit loans are still offered through many short term lenders, which are also referred to in some areas a payday lenders offering payday loans. These loans are not given without consideration and you do need to have certain qualifications in order to obtain a bad credit loan.


When you apply for bad credit loans online there are some basic requirements that you have to meet. You have to be at least 18 years of age and currently be employed. While there is no maximum to how much you make a month you must have a minimum income of at least $1000 per month and have an employment history of at least the prior 90 days or three months.

You will have to provide the name of your employer and work phone numbers as well as information on your bank account for the deposit if your application is approved. The lender will also require that you provide a current and valid home phone number, which can be a mobile phone, as well as a valid email.

Ensure all you application information is accurate before submitting the application for bad credit loans. Mistakes, omissions and errors on the application can delay your ability to access you cash and get the money you need. We provide bad credit loans through our network of lenders for qualified individuals.

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