Tips for running a Motivational Workshop

by | Jan 6, 2015 | Roofing Services

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Once you complete your Life Coach Training one of the best ways to develop a strong reputation as a life coach is to look into offering motivational workshops. Workshops are an excellent way to put your new skills to the test as well as to develop a good list of potential clients. Here are some tips for setting up a motivational workshop:

Choose a Goal: In order to set up an effective workshop you have to choose a goal that will help you develop an outline. It can be success at work, becoming a more positive person, the power of positive thinking or the key to being self-motivated. This way you can sell your workshop based on an ultimate goal from which attendees will benefit.

Objectives: Once you have a basic idea of what your workshop goals will be you can make a list of objectives of the points you want to cover. This will provide the workshop outline you can use to sell the event. Objectives for “Success at Work” might include:

*   Believe it to achieve it

*   Finding your inner high achiever

*   The art of persuasion

*   Staying focused on your goals

Structure: Once you have established your goals and objectives you can establish the structure. A good way to do so is to work back from your ultimate goals in order to come up with required steps to achieve that goal. You can then further envision how the workshop will play out such as assigning a task for smaller groups to break out and achieve and then reconvene with the whole group after each assignment to share and learn from each other.

Input for Stronger Output: Once you are able to post and advertise your workshop, have an input form online for people to place questions on areas they would like covered. This allows you to enhance your workshop and maximise the effectiveness to meet the needs of those attending.

Measurable Results: Ultimately you want to have a tie back to those in attendance and therefore it makes sense to ensure you have a way of having accountabilities for those attending. Have homework such as a journal page they are encouraged to complete with actionable steps they need to meet their personal goals. Those who are willing to come back and share their journals may be encouraged to begin one on one sessions with you. You may eve be inspired to start a second workshop based on input from those attending your first.

Workshops can offer you an excellent way to put your life coach training to work and start helping people lead better, more successful lives.

If you are interested in life coach training Fowler Academy of Professional Coaching can help. Visit to learn more about their professional life coach courses.

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