It can be a costly expense to have to replace a piece of glass that has broken. Sometimes, glass can be repaired and will not have to be replaced. This will depend on if the glass has cracked, chipped, or shattered. A chipped glass is the most common glass that can be repaired. Most all shattered glass will need to be replaced. A piece of cracked glass will depend on how large the crack is and how long it is. When a Glass Replacement in Claremont CA does happen, there are tips to follow to ensure it does not have to be redone.
Be Gentle
When a piece of glass has been replaced, it may take a while to settle in. It is important to be gentle and careful when being near the glass. It should not be shaken or slammed. This can cause the glass to fall and shatter. It is also a good idea to leave a window cracked if the glass that was replaced is in a vehicle. This will keep air pressure from building up and causing damage.
Be Careful of Cleaners
Cleaning materials can loosen the adhesive on the glass. It is advised to wait 3-5 days before washing the glass or putting any harsh chemicals on it. The tape used by the person who installed the glass should not be removed for at least 24-48 hours. This is put in place to hold and secure the glass in place.
Keep Hazardous Items Away from the Glass
Any hazardous items should be kept out of the area where the glass was replaced. This could be anything from extreme heat to rocks and gravel. For example, if a person is driving in a car where there was glass replaced, they may need to change their route to avoid loose rock and gravel in the road. This is particularly important on asphalt and gravel roadways.
A good glass company will cover all directions with the person before leaving. They will also walk through the next steps to take if something were to happen. For more information on Glass Replacement in Claremont CA, browse our website.