Toothaches and Your Dentist West Covina

by | Sep 18, 2014 | Dental Services

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A toothache is a signal that there is a dental problem and it is time to see a Dentist West Covina. It’s better to seek highly qualified specialists who will be able to most accurately determine the cause of pain and eliminate it in the shortest time than to see if the pain passes. Most dentists use only the most modern and high-quality medical equipment. Therefore, the treatment will not cause you any discomfort or pain.

Often, the first minor symptoms are:

  • Tooth sensitivity to temperature or certain foods;
  • The appearance of blackening teeth; and/or
  • Discoloration of enamel.

Sometimes you risk aggravating their condition without even knowing it, making things worse than if you went to a dentist in a timely manner.

Toothaches: After filling, crown or removal of a nerve

There are many types of pain, and then there are causes that induce this pain. If you have a toothache after receiving a filling, the reason may be:

  • An allergic reaction to the sealant;
  • An inflammation of the nerve (pulp); and/or
  • A complication concerning caries (periodontitis).

If a toothache happens under a crown, the pain can be caused by:

  • Inflammation of the nerve;
  • Exacerbation of chronic periodontitis; and/or
  • Improper installation of the crown.

Also, a person may experience pain following removal of a nerve. The most likely reason for this is that cavities and/or pus may occur in the area. Despite the huge discomfort that deliver these problems, they are generally rapidly and effectively removed. You should make an appointment with a Dentist West Covina, and in several days your smile will shine again.

What to do when you have a toothache

Of course, you can use pain painkillers which is a “popular” means, but the effect will be short-lived, as you eliminate the symptom, not the cause. The single most correct answer is to seek medical advice immediately. The best specialists will provide you with the necessary assistance and help prevent disease in the future. Visiting the dentist for regular check-ups will allow them time to identify diseases of the teeth and oral cavity at an early stage, which will help you to avoid disastrous results. Everyone wants healthy teeth and a dazzling smile. Contact West Covina Family Dentistry for more information.

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