As most people know when a case goes to court there are many roles involved. From the lawyers to the Judge right through to the court reporter. It is the court reports job to take everything that is said down in short hand using a stenograph. This is then changed back to long form English and filed away as part of the case. It is a job that requires incredible attention and accuracy. Their hard work can be given an even greater level of accuracy by employing a team that offers transcription synchronization.
Why Is A Transcript Important?
A transcript of court proceedings is incredibly helpful from the defense’s and prosecutors’ perspective. They allow the lawyers to refer back to what was said. Lawyers deal with multiple trials daily so it can be difficult to remember every word of every case.
What Is Transcription Synchronization?
It is possible for a legal team to have a transcript made by a court reporter in Lakewood, CO, area synchronized with a video that is also shot at the trial. This allows for some excellent advantages that the lawyers can take advantage of. In the case of a longer deposition they can search and find specific segments of testimony so they are more prepared come the court day. Secondly, it has the feel of a more organized presentation as the lawyer has the ability to control the start, stop and searching of the information they feel is important.
Get the Accuracy to Detail You Need
Professional Legal Video and Photography has a staff of training and experienced professionals. They know all the methods and techniques that can be utilized in order to make a day in court run much smoother. This allows for a more efficient proceeding and makes the job for any lawyer that much easier.