Did you attempt to do your taxes yourself? If you weren’t exactly sure what you were doing while using a software program, you may have made some serious mistakes. If you’ve now had trouble receiving your tax refund or are being told that you owe money to the IRS, you might not know what to do. You might be even more concerned if the IRS has told you that you’re being audited. While it may seem like a frightening situation, you can get tax relief in Brooklyn. There are professionals who understand the ins and outs of taxes and they’ll help you with your situation.
What Are My Options?
While each case is unique in its own way, the professionals who offer tax relief in Brooklyn will review your case and decide what they can do to help, whether it is file an amended return for you or help you provide the proper paperwork during an audit. In most instances, you’ll need to provide copies of your stubs, W9 forms, or even 1099 forms if you are being audited. If you’re self-employed, you’ll need to have some proof too, whether it is through PayPal payments or receipts from customers.
What Will I Need to Do?
You will certainly need to make copies of the different paperwork. The professionals can show you exactly what you’ll need copies of and how you can send it to the IRS. For example, you might need to use a fax machine to send over the paperwork so that it gets to the IRS quicker. As long as you’ve been honest while filing your taxes, you shouldn’t have many concerns about the IRS. You will have assistance from tax professionals who understand how to file and prepare taxes, along with amending them when necessary due to mistakes that may have been made the first time they were filed.
If you’re in need of tax relief, browse around here to find the information you’re looking for. The last thing you want to deal with is problems with the IRS, but now you won’t have to. Even if you messed up when you originally filed your taxes, those problems can get solved by the right tax professionals.