Turning Operations And Cutting Parameters

by | Nov 13, 2017 | Business

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Machining is not a single entity. It does not consist of one task; rather it embraces a variety of different but related jobs. Turning operations comprise one aspect or type of machining. It is a removal process, subtractive manufacturing, employed to produce rotational parts through the cutting away of excess or undesirable material. To ensure the workpiece achieves the requisite result, operators have to consider carefully the cutting parameters involved.

Cutting parameters

The cutting tool must operate according to specific parameters. These will govern both the speed and the motion of the cutting device. The operator must select the cutting parameters using specific criteria. These are based on the operator’s knowledge and understanding of three major factors:

  1. Workpiece Material
  2. Tool Material
  3. Tool Size

However, chief among the actual cutting parameters for turning operations the following ones are dominant:

  • Cutting speed:  This refers to the speed at which the tool removes the material. Measurements are in surface feet per minute (SFM).
  • Cutting feed: This is the distance that the workpiece or cutting tool moves over a single rotation of the spindle. Measurements are in inches per revolution (IPR).
  • Feed rate: This is the speed of the movement of the cutting tool comparative to the workpiece while the tool performs its cutting action. Measurements are in inches per minute (IPM).
  • Depth of cut:  This is the perpendicular distance from the machined surface to the work piece’s uncut surface

These are all factors in ensuring the proper cutting parameters are met.

CNC Turning Services

Machinists work with tuning centers to produce effectively and efficiently diverse products. Turning operations involve cutting material to produce precision parts. It is ideal for addressing the specifications of workpieces that require such features as holes, tapers, threads, grooves and contoured surfaces. In executing the actions, operators must always be aware of the need for ensuring the right cutting parameters.

CNC turning centers give machinist shops, fabricators, and other metalworking companies the ability to produce a wide range of products effectively and efficiently. From nuts and bolts to pipe and stainless steel fittings, CNC turning services produce precise parts without sacrificing product quality. While the initial installation cost may seem pricey, the reduction in manpower necessary to operate the machinery as well as the increase in productivity makes it cost-effective.

Machine shops offer, among many different services, turning operations. This involves the removal of metal or other material from the outer diameter of a workpiece as it rotates. The purpose is to create a circular shape or cylindrical surface with a single point tool. Over the years, while the goal has remained the same, the tools have changed to reflect technological advances.

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