Two Common Commercial Insurance in Tulsa, OK Myths Debunked

by | Dec 1, 2016 | Insurance

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For hundreds of years, people believed that the earth was flat. They thought if you sailed long enough, you would simply fall right off the end. Today, this myth seems completely ridiculous. We all know the earth is round and gravity keeps us firmly planted with no worry about falling off the face of the planet. Likewise, there are unfortunately a rather large amount of myths surrounding the commercial insurance industry. These myths are harmful because they prevent you from finding the right coverage for your needs. Without the right commercial insurance coverage, you are putting yourself at great risk.

Myth #1: Only the “Big Dogs” Need Coverage

Many people are under the impression that only large companies need commercial insurance in Tulsa, OK. A company with very few employees that turns only a small profit shouldn’t have to worry about liability, right? Wrong! So very, very wrong. Insurance is all about protecting yourself from unforeseen circumstances. There is no way to predict what kind of problems you might encounter and this means that the smart thing to do is to keep yourself protected. No company is too big or too small to be exempt from this unfortunate reality.

Myth #2: Work from Home? You Don’t Need Coverage!

This myth goes hand in hand with myth #1. Just because you work from home doesn’t mean you don’t need to protect yourself. You may think that being freelance or working out of a home office means that you are too small-time to need Tulsa commercial insurance, but that is simply not the case. If something horrible happens, it doesn’t matter if it was out of your control. That person will still sue you and if you aren’t covered you are going to be in a world of hurt trying to pay out of pocket.

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