To a lot of people, the auto insurance industry may seem like a scam or an industry of unscrupulous peddlers and vendors. Whether that is the attitude or not, insurance is the peace of mind that will assure others in the event of an accident you caused, you will be able to take care of that person’s vehicle. The minimum insurance that must be carried is liability insurance. This article will focus on carrying Liability Insurance in Fox Lake IL.
Illinois insurance law requires that all motorists carry the following minimum Liability Insurance in Fox Lake IL: $25,000 for injury or death of an individual in an accident, $50,000 for injury or death of more than one individual in a given accident, and $25,000 for property damage in an accident. The State of Illinois refers to this coverage type as compliance with the Mandatory Insurance Law. As an additional condition of this compliance, the insurance coverage card must always be carried and available to show when requested by a law enforcement officer. When the vehicle registration renewal card is signed, it becomes proof that the vehicle is insured properly for the duration of that period.
Illinois enforces the compliance of the Mandatory Insurance Law through a couple of ways: a random questionnaire and traffic tickets. In the random questionnaire, the form is sent to motorists randomly who must answer the questions and return the form promptly. The form asks for verification of your insurance. Failure to do so will result in an automatic suspension of the license plates. If you are stopped and given a ticket for failure to provide proof of insurance, such a conviction will result in the license plate suspension and heavy fines ($500 for being uninsured, $1,000 for plates being suspended).
Alamo Insurance and Financial Service ensures that its clients are equipped with everything necessary to maintain liability insurance and more. The company offers insurance solutions for auto mobile, life, health, property, commercial and contractors needs. The company even offers same day coverage for SR 22 insurance needs.
For more information on how they can help you maintain liability insurance in Fox Lake IL, visit us website