Use Only High-Quality Belts and Components for Your Automobile

by | Nov 10, 2021 | Roofing Services

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Your automobile operates by the interaction of many crucial parts. The belt tensioner pulley is one of those vital parts. To keep your vehicle running at its best, pay attention to the individual components for a total package in performance. Always ask for quality when replacing belts, idlers, and tensioners on your vehicle.

Belt Tensioners

The belt tensioner pulley is an essential part of your vehicle’s engine. Besides tightening the engine belt and transferring power through pulleys from the serpentine belt to the alternator, it also generates the correct tension necessary to allow the engine to run and drive. Driving with a bad belt tensioner is risky. A worn belt tensioner can eventually cause mechanical problems that could have been avoided by recognizing these symptoms:

  • Worn pulley bearings
  • A worn pulley
  • Tensioner assembly misalignment
  • And more

Have the tensioner and serpentine belt inspected at the same time.

Why Serpentine Belts Are Important

The serpentine belt, a long rubber belt that transports power to the engine accessories, plays an essential role in running your car’s systems. Indications of a bad serpentine belt include:

  • Cracking, glazing, fraying and other signs of wear
  • Squealing or chirping sounds
  • Loss of performance
  • And more

A failing serpentine belt can damage the parts it powers. The serpentine belt and belt tensioner work together, Tension by the pulley is what makes the serpentine belt move.

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