Using a Child Custody Attorney in Scranton PA

by | Mar 16, 2016 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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Making decisions in the interest of the children isn’t always easy when the parents are divorcing. Although parents may have been able to compromise on issues related to school, sports and friends while they were together as a family, it might be a lot more difficult to do so after they separate. Often, one parent naturally takes on the role as a caretaker and the other is left feeling alone and empty because they aren’t able to maintain a close connection to their children.

Part of the divorce process is ensuring children are safe and well cared for until they reach adulthood. Although divorce court judges have the authority to make decisions regarding where minor children will primarily live and go to school and how much time they’ll spend with the other parent, they tend to prefer for families to make these decisions on their own. A child custody attorney Scranton PA parents turn to in times of need could help a client negotiate this agreement with their estranged spouse.

This negotiating process may be difficult for some parents. The hurt they feel from the failure of their marriage might make it hard to compromise. However, despite these emotions, it’s essential for parents to put their own needs to the side and focus on their children. Studies have shown that children who maintain a strong bond with both of their parents are better adjusted. Parents who can ignore their own emotions in an effort to do what’s better for their children show they truly care about them. Click here for more details.

Some parents are more receptive to mediation and other strategies to help them work out a reasonable arrangement for their children. Parents who think they might have trouble negotiating with their estranged spouse to forge a suitable arrangement should seek out a child custody attorney Scranton PA clients trust early in the divorce process. A lawyer such as John T. O’Malley Attorney At Law, with years of experience helping families in these kinds of situations, might help by ensuring clients understand the laws related to their case and their rights when it comes to the custody of their children.

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