Using an Electrician in Wilkes-Barre PA to Upgrade Your Panel Can Save You Money and Keep Your Family Safe

by | Nov 19, 2018 | electrician

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Whether you are purchasing an older home with an outdated electrical system or you’ve been noticing oddities with the electric in your home, you should talk to a licensed electrician. An electrician can review the records for your home’s electrical system and thoroughly examine your panel to ensure that your home is not in imminent danger of an electrical fire.

One of the first signs that you need a panel upgrade or replacement is that your electrical output is damaging your appliances or devices. If your cell phone was mysteriously damaged while you had it charging in one of your home outlets or your dishwasher repairman told you that your appliance needed service due to an electrical issue, you most likely need a panel upgrade. Other signs include lights that flicker when you turn on a major appliance like the air conditioner or washing machine and light bulbs that burn out sooner than they should.

You may also need a panel upgrade if you plan to install a new central air conditioning or heating system. To prevent your new equipment from overloading your electrical panel and constantly tripping your breakers or potentially causing a fire in your home, contact a Professional Electrician in Wilkes-Barre PA to upgrade your panel before your new HVAC system is installed.

Homeowners who add a room to their home can benefit from a panel upgrade. Upgrading your panel will ensure that your electrical system is up-to-date and can handle the increase in usage from your new room. Another advantage of upgrading your panel is that you may be eligible for a discount from your homeowner’s insurance company. Because faulty electrical wiring is often responsible for substantial damage, insurance companies reward their customers for taking steps to prevent electrical fires.

If you are noticing signs that your electrical system is not working properly or you plan to install major appliances to your home, contact an Electrician in Wilkes-Barre PA such as Quality Electric for an assessment of your current system and recommendations for improvement. Your new electrical system will function better and keep your family safe.

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