Video Intercom Systems for Home or Office

by | Nov 28, 2014 | Security System Supplier

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Video Intercom Systems may seem like something designed only for high-security military locations, but the truth is these systems are a valuable safety tool for businesses and residential homes as well. They are practically invisible, so they never make employees or family members feel as if they are entering a fortress. Yet, they provide a higher level of security than most fences are capable of ever offering. Here are a few additional reasons you should consider this type of security for your home and office.

Enjoy More Privacy

Anyone who has ever opened the door to an unwanted salesman or a neighbor who will not go away once they have come inside can understand the value of discovering ahead of time who is at the door. With a video system installed, as soon as someone knocks or rings the doorbell, you will be able to view on a portable screen who is standing there. You can decide to stay where you are or let the visitor in without them ever having to know you were actually home.

Improve Your Safety

A knock at the door at midnight can be someone in trouble who needs assistance or it could be someone with less than honorable intentions. While staying safely away from the door, you will be able to use your system to see them and ask questions to make it possible to decipher their intentions. If they appear to be up to no good, you can easily contact the police without the person even being aware you are awake yet.

Enhance Workplace Security

Video Intercom Systems can easily be used to enhance and improve on the systems you already have in place at work. This type of security will make it possible to keep all doors secured during work hours, ensuring employees are kept safe as well as reducing the opportunity for loss from theft. These systems can be used to protect the entire facility or to provide additional security to specific rooms or areas within the building itself.

Intell-tech Security Systems offers these video systems for residential and commercial clients among many other types of security equipment. Contact them to customize a system for your own needs. For for information visit us.

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