Want to Have A Beautiful Smile in One Day?

by | Nov 29, 2021 | Dental

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If your smile is less pleasing than you’d like because your teeth are gray or yellow, or if you have chipped or uneven teeth, then composite bonding in Glenview can fix your issues in one visit! In just one office visit, one of their skilled dentists can apply a composite resin to your teeth that will make them whiter and more even.

What is Composite Bonding?

Composite bonding uses a composite resin that blends with the color and shape of your other teeth to make them more consistently sized. It restores the proper shape to cracked or chipped teeth and consistent color to stained teeth. The procedure usually requires one office visit, is minimally invasive, and none of your natural tooth enamel is removed.

Can Composite Bonding Make Whiter Teeth?

Absolutely! If you’re dissatisfied with the color of your teeth, your dentist can apply composite resin to them and lighten them several shades.

Is Composite Bonding Expensive?

Composite bonding is one of the most affordable ways to get whiter, more even teeth.

What’s the Composite Bonding Procedure?

You won’t need any preparation for the procedure and there’s usually no need for anesthesia. You and your dentist will select the shade of resin you desire based on your objectives. Next, they’ll apply a base coat that helps the resin adhere, and then the composite resin is applied.

Once the resin is ready, they’ll shape and harden the resin, do a final trim, and you’ll be done and have a beautiful new smile!

Want Composite Resin to Perfect Your Smile?

If you want to improve your smile with composite bonding in Glenview IL, then contact Chicago Beautiful Smiles.

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