You have been wondering how much trouble you can get in for not having insurance. Every state is different on their laws and penalties. However, every state does have financial responsibility laws. Here we will discuss the Car Insurance La Quinta CA laws. Like most states Pennsylvania requires you to either have liability insurance or proof that you can cover the minimum costs.
In Pennsylvania there are minimum coverages that you must have with your insurance. The minimum for an injury or death to one person in an accident is $15,000. Coverage for injuries or deaths to more than one person is $30,000. Finally, property damage coverage is $5,000.
The problem some people have with getting insurance is that the premiums are too much for them to afford. However, most insurance companies offer installment payment plans. This is to help more people afford the cost of insurance premiums.
To get proof of self-insurance, you must apply to PennDOT. This requires filling out an application and signing a master self-insurance and security agreement. Make sure you take a current copy of your balance sheet and an income statement. To be self-insured you will have to give a security deposit of $50,000 for the first vehicle and $10,000 for each additional vehicle.
If you do not have proof of Car Insurance In La Quinta CA when a correctional officer asks for it, there can be big penalties. The lowest fine for driving without insurance is $300, but it could be higher depending on your case. You can also face a three month suspension on your license and registration. To get your license and registration reinstated you must follow the instructions that are sent to you. This may include a $50 fee on each registration and license to reinstate them.
The best thing to do is make sure that you always have car insurance. On top of that make sure you always carry the proof in your vehicle. This way you can rest assured that you will not have to worry about legal action being taken against you for not having it.
If you cannot afford the insurance premium in full, make sure to ask the insurance agent if they offer installment options.