No one is happy about having to say goodbye to their real teeth. Some patients, owing to the condition of their jaw bones, have not choice but to go with a set of removable dentures. Others can opt for a more permanent solution and go with implant dentures in Fairfield OH. When discussing this option with the dental professional, it pays to understand what the implants offer along with a natural appearance. One matter to talk about at length is what they mean for the shape of the jaw. Here is some information to consider before making a decision.
Filling in the Gaps Left Behind
The gaps that appear when after a tooth extraction are not just about what is seen above the gum level. There is also a gap where the tooth root used to reside. That empty socket will be filled one way or another. With removable dentures, the sockets till in as the bone and other tissue begin to cover over the gaps. As a result, the gums will shrink over time.
That shrinkage is why removable dentures have to be adapted or even replaced over time. What fits the mouth perfectly now will not be such a great fit several years down the road. If the patient opts for implant dentures in Fairfield OH, those sockets are filled in, and the will be no gum shrinkage.
What Does This Have to Do With the Jaw?
As the gums shrink and change shape, it has a noticeable impact on the contours of the face. What was once a strong jaw will appear to sink inward. That can also affect the look of the chin. While some may consider this to be inevitable, changes in the facial structure are kept to a minimum when implants are used. That’s because they take the place of the entire tooth, including the root.
Before making any decisions about how to replace natural teeth, visit Colerain Denture Center and arrange to undergo a complete examination. If the teeth do need to go and the patient is a candidate for implants, listen closely as the professional explains all the benefits associated with this solution. There’s a good chance the patient will decide implants are the only way to go.