A taqueria is a restaurant that serves Mexican food in Las Vegas. The traditional cuisine found in the taqueria is burritos, tacos, flautas, tamales and many other flavorful foods of Mexico. The original meaning of the word “taqueria” was street vendor, but this is no longer the case. The term is now used to define a restaurant that serves true and authentic Mexican food. In areas where there are large Hispanic populations there will usually be a number of them to choose from, many offering regional dishes from the cooks place of origin.
Mexican food in Las Vegas is phenomenally complex and diverse. This diversity naturally leads to the menu in a taqueria being varied, this is especially true if the place is truly owned and operated by Mexicans and the area of Mexico that they came from. Perhaps it is unfortunate, but in many areas of the US, the food served in the taqueria has been modified to meet the taste expectations of the American customers. The servings are usually larger and the spices are muted.
Burritos and tacos are featured foods of many taqueria’s because they are easy to make and versatile. They are relatively inexpensive to make which helps the taqueria keep their prices low. Both burritos and tacos are built at the time of order from all fresh ingredients so it is easy for the product to be made to suit the customer’s request.
There are many communities; once again, those with a large Hispanic population, where the taqueria will offer unique specialties that are produced by the ladies in the neighborhood. The dishes are generally produced in the home as they are too time consuming to be done properly in a restaurant setting. People who are fortunate enough to have found one rave at the taste which is said to be the true taste of Mexico.
There are no set standards for what a taqueria is, some are not much more than a hole in the wall while others are quite elaborate and provide space to sit, eat and socialize. Many are set-up for take away food only, some are even drive through. Because the Mexican food in Las Vegas is so diverse, it may take a few trips to different taqueria’s to find one that serves food that meets your taste.
The best Mexican food in Las Vegas is that which has never lost its roots, the best is still fresh, simple and authentic. Enjoy the taste of real Mexican food at Roberto’s Taco Shop at great prices.