If you have been involved in growing things for any length of time, then chances are you are probably wondering, just what is a Mycorrhizal fungi inoculant and why is it important? Well, if you are looking to increase your harvests, here is some information you will need to know about this important asset:
What is a mycorrhizae inoculant?
First of all, a handy definition of a mycorrhizal fungi inoculant is in order. This can be defined as a product that contains mycorrhizal fungi that can be applied to the roots of plants in order to stimulate the health and growth of the plant. In this case, the mycorrhizae are beneficial for the plant because they can form a symbiotic relationship with plant roots, increasing their access to water and strengthening them against issues such as drought.
How do I use a mycorrhizal inoculant?
Now that we have answered the question of what is a mycorrhizae inoculant, now you need to know the best way to use it. First, you should consider whether you want to use fungi powder, granules, or liquids. Then you should make sure that you apply the inoculant according to the instructions located on the bag. If you are using a powder or granule option, all you have to do is sprinkle the inoculant around the plant roots with your garden hose or watering can. Watering the area as thoroughly as possible will ensure that the fungi has been activated.
For more information about the benefits of mycorrhizal inoculants, contact DYNOMYCO at their website.