What is Frac Water Disposal?

by | Oct 25, 2013 | Business

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Every company out there that deals with recycling water or Frac Water Disposal will always come up with a certain marketing technique to show they’re good at what they do. Mostly, they will use the classic example of having a jar of cleaning water next to a jar of dirty water and even though for some people this will be all they need to be convinced of that company’s technology and ability of cleaning and then disposing of frac water properly, it doesn’t really tell the entire story. There are a lot of instances in which the water which has been treated is not actually cleaned properly and because of this, the frac water recycling industry will need to step in.

For those who don’t know too much about it, the process requires between four point five to five million gallons of water per well and it seems that concerns regarding the depletion of underground aquifers have been raised not once, but dozens of times. While many companies will discharge the flow back portion of the phrase water into disposal wells, there are numerous risks in doing so. Yes, some people will invoke the danger of earthquakes occurring, but many others will basically be more worried about the fact the water will be polluted and they won’t be able to use it for agriculture and commercial applications.

There are also many methods through which frac water can be recycled and then disposed of properly, but many of them are not really effective and only a few of them seem to be deemed safe. Amongst the many proposed solutions for solving this issue involves the evaporation of the flow-back H2O and this will result in two streams, including the distilled water and the solids and salt which make up the reject water. On a side note, most companies will not be able to consider this method and that is because operating and building evaporators are quite expensive.

As you can see, Frac Water Disposal is very important at the moment and it’s vital that the industries using it to properly recycle it before discharge.

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