Even drivers who are believed to be a poor risk can get auto insurance in Commerce, MI. High risk drivers are those who have already proven that they have a poor driving record, or they work in an industry where the risk is high. The age of the insured and the vehicle are also important factors when calculating the insurance premium.
Auto insurance companies rely on a mathematical matrix to determine the level of risk poses by applicants for insurance. One of the weighting factors is the amount of time spent behind the wheel; salespeople who travel great distances, bus drivers and truck drivers are all considered high risk. Those people who have a long daily commute are often seen as high risk as well.
Although the number of hours that are spent driving is an important factor in determining the premium, the driving record of the applicant is probably more important. If people have a number of tickets for speeding and other moving violations, they will be seen as high risk, even worse than a considerable number of moving violations is if the applicant was arrested for a DUI or DWI. The number of accidents that a driver figured in, whether they were minor or not are also factored in to the premium for auto insurance Commerce, MI.
The applicant’s age and gender are also taken into account. Insurance statistics show that male drivers under the age of 25 are higher risks than females of the same age; the result is the male driver is charged more for the same insurance cover. Unmarried males under the age of 25 are even seen as a higher risk than their married colleagues.
Many insurance companies ask for the applicant’s credit rating before they finalize the premium calculation. If the applicant refuses to divulge this information, and they can, the chances of the company even offering them insurance is remote. It has been shown that those with poor credit ratings are a higher risk than those with a good credit score.
If you are granted auto insurance at a low-risk premium, a single incident may not put you into a high risk category but if you have repeated violations you will find that you are put into a high risk group when it is time to renew the policy.
Insurance Advisors, Inc offer auto insurance in Commerce, MI. The professionals at Insurance Advisors, Inc can help their clients choose the right insurance that fits their needs and budget.