The answers to this question might well depend upon who is conducting the inspection; along with the why, where and what for? Molds are a form of fungi that start out as microscopic spores that can be carried about in the air or flowing water. There are thousands of different types but they all need a source of moisture and nourishment if they are to replicate and form into colonies; it is not until they form a colony that we are able to see them in their massed ranks.
Some molds are beneficial to mankind and are used in food and beverage production as well as pharmaceuticals. Companies working with molds will probably regularly inspect their mold banks for quantity, health and quality as well as checking for any contamination.
The Problem Molds
Wild molds outside of designated areas are not generally benign to humans. In extreme cases, they can be toxic or pathogenic and even the less harmful ones readily cause asthma type allergy symptoms in many people. In addition, a mold colony is a somewhat unpleasant sight. All of which is very good reason to keep them out of our homes, workplaces and other buildings as much as possible.
Unfortunately, keeping molds at bay is easier said than done especially in a place like Alexandria VA where the climate is officially classified as being humid subtropical on the Köppen climate system. The problem is that their spores are everywhere and are constantly being blown or carried into buildings of any sort – about the only way to keep them out would be with clean room type entrance control and highly efficient filtration.
Not so long ago, mold on food was probably seen as the big problem; but that was before freezers, refrigerators and tightly sealed packaging. Food mold is also easy to spot and straightforward to throw away.
Mold On The Structure, Furnishings, Fittings & Other Contents Of A Building
This is the main health problem area and it can often be hidden away from sight. Mold could be colonizing inside a rain dampened wall; or, down the back of a kitchen cabinet with a sink on top; in a basement corner, in a little used attic, etc. It could just as likely be found on the underside of an improperly aired mattress.
At the first hint of a persistent musty smell; it is important to find out the location of your mold colony/colonies; then, identify the mold type(s) and choose the best remedial action to be taken. If you are not sure how to do this, there are specialized companies, like PMSi Mold Treatment Division, who regularly conduct Mold Inspection In Alexandria VA area and they will know exactly what they are looking and where to find it.