What to Bring to a Consultation with an Automobile Injury Attorney Around Medford

by | Jun 1, 2018 | Attorney

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Being injured in a car accident is never a stress-free experience, but those who choose to enlist the help of an attorney often find they are much better able to focus on recovering from their injuries knowing they have a legal professional on their side who can help. Finding an attorney is just the first step, though. Next, accident victims must start preparing themselves for their initial consultations. Read on to find out about how to prepare for a meeting with an Automobile Injury Attorney around Medford to learn how to get started.

Collect Information

There is a good deal of information that could influence the outcome of an auto injury case, and while attorneys themselves can collect much of the evidence required to prove a case, it helps if accident victims offer them any information already collected regarding the details of the case from the beginning. Victims should try to write down the names and addresses of anyone involved in the accident and their treatment, including the ambulance service that picked them up after the accident, the emergency room that treated them, the doctors that examined them, and all people who were involved in or witnessed the evidence. It can also help to make a list of everyone victims have talked to about their injuries, including doctors, insurance adjustors, witnesses, and other involved parties.

Appropriate Documentation

Bring copies of relevant documents if they are available as well, including the accident report filed with the police, any witness statements that were taken, relevant insurance policies, medical bills, and receipts for any purchases made to facilitate recovery after the injury. Material damage such as damage to the victim’s vehicle or its contents may also be compensated if they were broken or damaged, so bring receipts for any objects that had to be fixed as well.

Write Down Questions

In addition to collecting all of the information described above, accident victims should also write down any questions they may have prior to a scheduled consultation with an Automobile Injury Attorney around Medford. These may include questions about methodology, the lawyer’s practice or the cases he or she has handled, and potential problems. Visit website to get started today. You can also visit them on Facebook.

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