It is 2020 and you have just begun renovating your entire kitchen while also adding a patio area attached to it. As a DIY enthusiast, you decide to tackle the renovation yourself. A severe storm comes through knocking out your entire neighborhood’s power. The power company states that it may take several days or up to a week for them to fix the power lines. Now, you and your family are left in the dark and you can’t complete the renovation. Today, we will talk about starting watts and running watts to help you choose the right generator for your needs.
Starting Watts Versus Running Watts
It is important to first decide what are the essentials to power during an emergency. This also depends on the season, whether the power was cut off during the summer or winter. It is also good to know that starting wattage of an appliance can be significantly more than its continuous or running wattage. For instance, a typical refrigerator may only need 700 running watts but will need 2,200 starting watts. This means you should consider a generator that can run pass 2,200 watts to support the starting watts. Check the appliance’s manual you are wanting to power for specific information regarding its power requirements.
To power a standard home and its essentials a 6.6KW generator should suffice. This is dependent upon each appliance’s power consumption. Again, check the appliance’s manual for power information. A 9.7KW generator should provide ample power when it comes to powering the bare essentials of a standard home like the lights, refrigerator, microwave, and furnace.
So you’ve got an idea of which generator best fits your needs and are now looking for a professional company that offers its services for generator installation in Highland Park. Look no further than to the professional experts at Current Electrical Contractors. They offer their expertise to residents and businesses in the Chicago and North Shore areas. So when looking for an honest and reliable company to help with generator installation in Highland Park, they are the ones to contact. Call or visit our website today so you can get out of the dark.