Many people in the Asheville, NC, area seek ways to treat illnesses, pains, discomforts, or other symptoms without prescription medications or invasive medical procedures. For many of these conditions, as well as hormone imbalances and infertility, acupuncture in Asheville NC provides healing and balance that is both natural and holistic.
Holistic treatments focus on the whole being and not just on the specific symptoms. As acupuncture is a traditional form of Chinese Medicine, it uses very thin, sterile needles to gently restore the flow of energy through the body, clearing blockages that allow healing. In addition, the use of needles in very precise locations on the body causes the release of chemicals in the brain, specifically endorphins, which help to reduce pain sensations without the need of over-the-counter or prescription medications.
Your First Session
At the first session with an Asheville, NC, acupuncturist, plan to spend time discussing your health and wellness. This is essential to create a comprehensive understanding of your overall well-being. Keep in mind, the symptoms you are experiencing are only surface issues, and there are underlying factors in the body that are causing the problems.
The doctor will work with you during the initial appointment to create a treatment plan. This is individualized for each patient, and it may include a range of other Eastern medicine treatments to address body systems, balance hormones, and assist the body in healing. Acupuncture is a powerful treatment for many common health issues to produce healing without any need for drugs or invasive procedures.