With the price of utilities and food on the rise, it can be hard to make ends meet. If you are having a hard time paying your bills, and are looking for a way to boost your income, then consider selling any junk or old cars that you may have around your property for cash. Whether you have the title or not, you can sell it to a salvage lot and get the money you need to keep your power on. If you have never heard of selling a car for Salvage in Lehigh Acres, you may not understand how it works. Don’t let what you don’t know keep you from getting the money you deserve. The following is a brief overview of what to expect when you choose to junk your car in FL. Deliver the VehicleYou will need to drive your car to the shop that you want to sell it to. If the car isn’t derivable, they may offer to tow it back to their facilities for you, if you guarantee them that you wish to sell it. If you can drive your car to the shop, you can save them the hassle and get the cash you need sooner.WeightOnce they vehicle arrives at the salvage shop, then will remove the tires and check the vehicle for any debris that may lead to an excess weight reading. They will then place the vehicle on a scale and determine its value.
They normally determine the value by calculating the current rate per 100 pounds of scrap metal.PayoutIf you agree to sell the vehicle at the quoted price, they will write you a check, no questions asked. They will need to see a copy of your driver’s license so they have a way to track you in case there is a threat of illegal activity involved with your transaction. Once you get your check you can cash it and have the money you need to breathe easier.If you are looking for a good place to sell your car for Salvage in Lehigh Acres, make sure you contact top dollar clunkers. They will give you top dollar for your old vehicle, so you can get the cash you need quickly. Call them today to get an idea of what your vehicle could be worth, and to arrange for your vehicle to be towed to their facilities.