Residents of Denver face a wide range of weather phenomena throughout the year, ranging from significant snowfall in the winter to severe thunderstorms in the summer. While strong winds and heavy rains might be the most obvious threats during those storms, there is often a chance for hail, which can be even more damaging, particularly to your vehicle. If you find that your car has been damaged in such a storm, you’ll need to know a few things about hail damage repair.
Why Is Hail Damage Repair Necessary?
Unless hail damaged the windshield, back glass or windows in your car, chances are good that hail damage repair is not actually necessary. The dings, dents and chips you see are all cosmetic, and will not affect the operation or reliability of your car. With that being said, hail damage is an eyesore, and can transform a car from a beautiful work of modern automotive art into something that you don’t want to drive. There’s also the fact that all that hail damage can dramatically reduce your resale value, meaning that you might find yourself upside down in your auto loan. Hail damage repair can help.
What Are the Most Common Types of Hail Damage?
Hail can damage your car in a number of different ways. If the hailstones are particularly large, they can shatter glass, and leave massive dents in the sheet metal of the vehicle. Even if they are not particularly large, they can cause small dents and dimples in the metal. The most common places on a vehicle to sustain hail damage are the hood, the roof, and the trunk lid – flat surfaces that allow hailstones to strike with full velocity.
How Is Hail Damage Repair Performed?
Hail damage repair can be done in several different ways. However, understand that some are invasive, and may lead to the need to repaint your vehicle in addition to removing the dents. At BJ’s Auto Theft & Collision, we offer Denver residents the chance to enjoy paint-less dent removal. In many instances, we can remove dents by pushing it out from the underside of the panel. In other instances, we can use glue and special tabs to remove dents from hail, resulting in a like-new appearance without the need for any repainting.
If your car has been damaged by hail, we invite you to get in touch with us to learn more about hail damage repair without any need for repainting.