Most people don’t ever think of the idea of needing a criminal lawyer, and it is a good thing if no need ever arises. It is also a good thing to know that there is one available if you should ever have to have one, for a relative or friend, if not yourself. A Criminal Attorney in Mahopac NY works passionately to win the cases of clients, and wants you to know the same will be accorded to you.
Some of the reasons a person may need a criminal attorney are for DUI, other traffic and moving violations, drug-related cases, assaults, burglaries, disorderly conduct, juvenile offenses, and misdemeanors and felonies. If you should happen to get involved in a felony case in New York, you need to understand you are facing a very serious charge. You stand to be convicted of many years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines. In New York, the felony processing begins at the moment of your arrest. At this time, the wisest thing to do would be to remain silent, lest you incriminate yourself. It may be that the case is not as cut and dried as you even think. After your arrest and jail time, you will be taken before court for arraignment, at which time you may enter your plea. It is best to have an attorney with you at this time. You do not want to face something as serious as felony alone. Your plea will be in three manners, either guilty, at which time you will be sentenced, no contest, at which you are admitting guilt, but not outright agreeing with said charges, and not guilty, at which a date will be set for trial. Now, this is the time you really need to consider having your lawyer.
Spain and Spain, PC are criminal lawyers in Mahopac, New York, and they are ready to help you fight your case. They have over five decades of courtroom experience, which will give you the best leverage in the courtroom. If you need a Criminal Attorney in Mahopac NY, visit the website of Spain and Spain, PC, for more information. That site is website