Although binge drinkers consume alcohol in amounts that seem astonishing to many people, they typically don’t need medical detox if they decide to quit. That’s because most only indulge in this behavior on weekends or other days off work. In contrast, people who drink excessively every day are more at risk of withdrawal symptoms. Their system may never be free of alcohol. Recovery can begin with an online search for detox centers near me in Glendale, AZ.
Blood Alcohol Content
A person can determine the probable need for medical detox by considering how much alcohol is consumed daily. The main consideration is whether the blood alcohol content goes to zero every day. If so, acute withdrawal symptoms are less likely. Otherwise, searching for detox centers near me in Glendale, AZ, and being admitted before quitting is strongly recommended.
Alcohol Metabolism
On average, a person metabolizes one standard drink in an hour. This is defined as 12 oz. of beer, 5 oz. of wine, or 1.5 oz. of hard liquor. Men and women who consume eight or more drinks in the two hours before going to bed may wake up still feeling the intoxicating effects to a certain extent. However, their system will be free of alcohol a few hours later unless they drink again.
In contrast, someone who consumes a 750-ml. bottle of hard liquor every day always has alcohol in the blood. Quitting suddenly can result in dangerous withdrawal symptoms such as hallucinations and seizures. Medical detox with supervision and medication is imperative.