For many different reasons, hospitals, labs and research facilities may have quality, newer models of chemistry equipment that is no longer required. Perhaps the lab or testing facility upgraded to a system that can handle larger test runs or perform specific tests that are needed for a particular customer.
In some cases, testing labs may downsize or get rid of equipment that is only used infrequently in the lab. This is also the possibility of a testing facility shutting down as a hospital or clinic moves to using a third-party testing service.
Regardless of the reason, these issues can all provide top quality, like-new options in used chemistry lab equipment that is available at a very reasonable price. For other labs across the country, this can be an ideal way to add to their testing capacity or capabilities without going outside of their equipment budget.
Small Labs
Small labs can often benefit from larger labs scaling up and requiring used chemistry lab equipment that offers higher volume throughput for testing or faster testing times. In addition, small labs may be configured to specific equipment with less ability to reconfigure than larger labs. Replacing current equipment with a quality used model makes configuration easy.
For smaller labs with lower testing requirements, paying for new equipment with large testing capacities is simply not cost-effective. Adding quality refurbished or used chemistry lab equipment with the testing abilities required by the lab now and over the next few years is a very efficient decision.
Tight Budgets
In addition to small labs, mid to large sized labs may also find equipment fails at the most inopportune times. When these types of situations occur and there is a tight budget, buying used or refurbished chemistry lab testing equipment from a reputable pre-owned equipment seller can save over half of the price or more.