For many people, the only time they even consider seeing a vascular doctor is after a major cardiovascular issue or event. However, most experts agree that the best time to visit a specialist is before you actually require their services.
Here are some tips for knowing when to schedule an appointment with your local Hamilton Township heart and vascular doctor:
Family History
Heart and vascular issues are often inherited. That means that if your relatives and ancestors experienced heart issues, you may be prone to them. The following factors may increase your risk of developing one of these conditions at some point:
- Inherited hypertension
- Inherited HDL levels that are below normal range or high LDL levels
- A family history of heart attack, heart disease, or vascular conditions
- A family history of diabetes
These can indicate a potential for developing heart and vascular issues yourself, so if these sound like your family history, get yourself to a vascular doctor this year.
Past and Current Circumstances
Even if you have no family history of heart and vascular disease, you may still be at risk of these issues. If you are currently or have previously experienced these conditions or issues, see a vascular doctor this year:
- Being in menopause.
- Being over the age of 70.
- Being over the age of 50 with a history of diabetes, smoking, or other risk factors.
- Being obese or overweight.
- Having high blood pressure.
- Having hypertension.
- Having diabetes.
There are many other risk factors, but these are some of the most commonly associated with heart and vascular complications.
In general, if you have experienced any symptoms of heart attack or disease or vascular conditions and complications, it’s best to schedule an appointment with a specialist. Remember – it’s ways better to see a cardiovascular doctor before you need one. That way, you might be able to prevent the necessity from ever arising!