When You Know It Is Time to Get a New Furnace in Branford

by | May 15, 2014 | Petroleum Products

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There are times when you will simply need to repair your furnace and there are times where you have no choice but to get a new furnace in Branford. Distinguishing between the two is not easy, but there are a number of pointers you can use to help you make the best decision. If you can never seem to set your thermostat right, it may be time to go for a new furnace. Where some rooms are too cold or too hot or the home is generally uncomfortable may point to a complete breakdown in the system.

Another sign that it is time to get new equipment is if your unit is an old model, specifically if you have had yours for more than 25 years. Furnaces are generally expected to last for 18 years. The last two or three years are marred with technical problems so it may be worth making the purchase early on. This will help you save on expensive and unnecessary repairs especially because the end is inevitable. You will eventually have to invest in new equipment so you are better off doing it as soon as possible to save money in the long-run.

Another good sign that you need a new furnace is when you notice a significant increase in your heating bill. This is despite not having made any major changes in your fuel use around the home. Repair jobs such as sealing the air ducts can offer temporary respite, but the problem will persist until you get a new unit. The extra money spent on utilities would be better utilized in buying a new unit that is more efficient and therefore cheaper to run in the long-term.

Lastly, as previously mentioned, the last two or three years are usually the worst where your furnace is concerned. If you have therefore noticed increased breakdowns and find yourself spending more and more on repairs, make a change to a newer model. You will continue spending unnecessarily until such as time when you actually do choose to get a new furnace. Consider East River Energy for your furnace in Branford and energy related needs. Their great experience in the field will help you get exactly what you need to keep your home as comfortable as possible.

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