When You Should Hire a Worker’s Compensation Injury Lawyer, Find One in Fountain Valley

by | Oct 9, 2018 | Lawyers

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Suffering from a work-related injury is devastating; you are hurt and likely in pain, you can’t work, and you’re worried about your income. Residents in Fountain Valley may wonder what to do next or if they should do anything. You may want to hire a workers compensation injury lawyer in Fountain Valley if you’re planning to file a claim for worker’s compensation. While all employers and insurance companies must have it available, they can make it extremely difficult to get through all the hoops to get your award.

Can You Represent Yourself?

While you can represent yourself in a worker’s compensation claim, it’s not recommended. However, if you think you want to try, make sure that you only suffered a minor injury, missed no work, the employer has admitted that you were injured at work and you have no pre-existing conditions. If you don’t meet all of those stipulations, it could be best to hire an attorney to help you with your case.

Even if all of the above-mentioned points are true for your case, it’s still a good idea to talk to an attorney. They usually offer a free consultation, which can help you determine if you have a case. You can also discuss the benefits of working with them rather than doing it alone.

What They Do

Worker’s compensation attorneys walk you through each step of the process. They can help you fill out paperwork, get appropriate medical evidence, and fight for you during any appeals or proceedings.

A worker’s compensation injury lawyer can help you with your case or determine if you have a chance of success. Visit The Law Offices of Norman J. Homen in Fountain Valley for more information on how they can help you.

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