We are probably all familiar with those netting style bags on the candy shelves that contain a number of foil wrapped chocolate coins. Quite often, for realism purposes, each chocolate coin is the same size as a real coin that it is imitating. This applies to both diameter and thickness which means that there is less than a mouthful of chocolate for you to actually eat. That may be good news for anyone on a diet but it does not fit well with someone who wants to get a good sized taste of chocolate.
To A Chocolate Lover, Bigger Is Better
OK, if you are buying some chocolate coins to put into a toddler’s Christmas stocking you do not want to give very large disks of chocolate. But, what if the coin is intended for an adult, with an adult sized appetite? Well, the answer to that one is remarkably simple – buy the bigger Large Chocolate Coins!
But, Isn’t Bigger Nothing More Than Greedier?
I suppose that you could say that this is true but, there is at least one other very valid reason for buying large chocolate coins – especially if you are not going to eat any of them yourself. But, why buy them if you do not intend to eat them particularly as chocolate does not last forever?
Fun Prizes
Suppose that you are in involved in organizing some sort of event or social function where games will be played and those games will have winners. This could be anything from pinning the tail on a donkey at a kid’s birthday party to holding (say) a 10 pin bowling tournament for your employees. You cannot really hold any competitive games without having prizes – at least for the winners if not for the runners up and even all of the participants.
Maybe your “games” event is serious enough to warrant some sort of trophy for the winners but, silver cups are expensive and those cheap trophies in gilded plastic really do look a little tacky – of course, you could always emulate the Olympics and award gold, silver and bronze medals. If none of this appeals to you and/or, maybe, you do not want participants to take the prizes too seriously (not getting a prize can upset some people), why not opt for a far more economical solution and use Large Chocolate Coins for your prizes? These can easily be customized for your particular occasion although a more correct name for them could be chocolate medallions?