People who really like their portable dehumidifier may be thinking about having a whole-house model installed. Contractors providing HVAC services in Camp Hill, PA, do this work so that the home stays at optimum humidity levels during muggy weather.
Whole-House Dehumidifiers and Central Air Conditioning
Most often, the whole-house equipment is connected with the central air system that has been installed by a contractor providing HVAC services in Camp Hill, PA. Central air conditioning reduces humidity to a certain extent but may not be effective enough on days when the dew point is above 65 degrees.
Important Efficiency Considerations
A portable dehumidifier is less expensive to buy than a whole-house model, but it costs more to run on average. That’s an important consideration for households who have one of these devices running in the basement and are thinking of buying one for the upstairs. The whole-house model is significantly more efficient and is able to lower moisture levels in the entire building. Running a portable model in a room with an open door forces it to operate almost continuously as it keeps trying to reduce humidity coming in through that door.
Gallons Removed Per Day
Generally, a whole-house dehumidifier removes up to 12 gallons of water from a home per day during normal use. That may seem like an astounding number and makes it clear why installation of this equipment is such a smart choice. Installation can be completed by technicians with Thermotech Inc, which has information at the website.
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