Why Are Smart Farming Technologies Beneficial?

by | Nov 29, 2022 | Agricultural Service

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Investing in a certain level of technology as a part of your farming efforts can change your life. After all, that’s what technology is meant to do, isn’t it? It’s supposed to make things easier for humans.

Smart farming technologies happened to do this in one of the most important areas of human survival, which is, of course, the agricultural sector.

Here’s a quick look at some of the benefits that such an implementation presents.

Consumable Reduction

Without technology, the kind of efficiency that would be needed for measurements becomes almost impossible. With human estimates, sprays, for example, will see either over or under-applications.

What would happen if you had technology running your sprayer? Sections could be easily switched off as the tractor meets the headland. Overlaps are brought down to nothing, and cost savings are improved.

Greater Yields

This relates to the previous point. Without the adequate application of consumables, you can compromise the quality of your crops. For example, if you overspray, you can end up with burned plants in patchy areas.

When smart farming technologies are allowed to handle the management of these kinds of applications, you get a more consistent and healthier set of plants, leading to greater and better yields.

Reporting Accuracy

Recording and reporting tasks, as well as log maintenance, while necessary, can take a long time. Even so, there is always a margin for human error in a task that is not necessarily the most exciting to do.

Why would you need to do any logging at all when smart farming can automatically record relevant information? Moreover, this data can be transmitted wirelessly and using automation. Isn’t that much better?

There’s a lot of potential for smart farming technologies in the agricultural sector. From reducing the amount of consumables you use to helping you improve yields and leading to greater reporting accuracy, it’s hard to argue the sheer potential that exists. Bear in mind that these are only a few of the numerous potential advantages.

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