Why Is Pet Grooming In Alexandria, VA Important?

by | Jun 5, 2019 | Animal Hospital

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In Virginia, pet owners set up grooming services to help their furbabies look terrific. However, the services are often included in boarding services and prevent pets from developing fleas and ticks. Reviewing why Pet Grooming in Alexandria VA is so important shows pet owners the exact benefits of the treatments.

Addressing Cat and Dog Mange

Cat and dog mange are a serious condition in which mange mites burrow into the skin. It is an uncomfortable condition for the pets and causes their fur to fall out. The mites can also get into their bedding and make it hard for pet owners to get rid of it on their own. Groomers provide products that kill off the mange and restore the pet’s coat.

Removing Debris After Flea Treatments

After flea or tick treatments, it is likely that pets will have dandruff and flea dust all at the roots of their fur. For cats especially, the debris is dangerous and could make them ill. A groomer provides several cleaning options for removing the debris and keeping it off the pets.

Trimming Dog and Cat Nails

Dogs and cats need proper trimming of their nails to prevent them from becoming too long. If their nails are too long, then it will affect how they walk and cause discomfort. For cats, it also reduces the potential of causing sores on their skin when they scratch that could lead to infections.

Trimming Their Fur and Removing Matting

Cats and dogs need their fur trimmed to prevent matting and control shedding. Proper grooming practices include trimming and brush to prevent matting that leads to health problems. The groomers use products that detangle the fur and prevent the pets from experiencing discomfort during the grooming process.

In Virginia, pet owners set up grooming services to improve the way that their pets look and feel. Excessive fur could lead to unhealthy conditions for some breeds, such as poodles. Groomers provide a wealth of products that control shedding and improve the way the fur looks. Pet owners who want to set up Pet Grooming in Alexandria VA can Contact us for an appointment right now.

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