Why Trust is Important in General Dentistry in Keizer OR

by | Jan 18, 2018 | Dentistry

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When a dentist asks questions, some people become uncomfortable – so much that they may not be truthful or may not be fully forthcoming about their health. People should never lie to their doctor or dentist because the results could, actually, be deadly. Here are some reasons why being truthful can improve how much general dentistry in Keizer OR benefits you.

Dentists are specialists

Just like any other doctor, a dentist has a special relationship of trust with the patient. Nevertheless, many people are not so sure about this if the dentist gets “too personal.” According to information from the American Dental Association, a dental specialist can also see first indications of many general disorders when looking into the patient’s mouth.

The dentist recognizes leukemia and AIDS early on when looking into the mucous membranes of the mouth, and they can also diagnose precursors of malignant oral diseases in good time and, thus, save lives. Although it is extremely rare for such disorders to become visible in the mouth, there are many reasons to stay true to the questions below.

Is dental floss used daily?

The advice of a general dentistry in Keizer OR to use dental floss should not be downplayed. Actually, most people use dental floss but not daily. This becomes an unpleasant topic when visiting a dentist.

As soon as one has taken their seat in the dentist’s chair, the dental professional carefully inspects the patient’s oral cavity. It usually does not take very long for the question to be asked: “How often do you use dental floss?” What should a person do? Tell the truth or lie?

It does not pay to hide the truth because the dentist sees the truth: redness of the gums or severe inflammation can reveal what’s wrong. Even if the patient finds themselves brushing their teeth and still their gums bleed, they should quickly tackle the problem. Because cosmetic problems are not the only issue, swelling, bleeding gums, and redness are a few signs of gingivitis.

Fight back

The problems above are visible when the bacterial balance in the mouth, for instance, is unbalanced because the patient’s dental hygiene routine is poor. This causes inflammation of the gum line or in the dental spaces or tooth decay on the teeth. Contact Riverfront Dental LLC for more details.

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