As a farmer, you know that the quality of your seeds is very important. However, even the hardiest of seeds may fall prone to disease or other misfortune that can destroy them. One way to counter this is to have them undergo seed treatment in Crockett County TN. There are many benefits to doing this.
Pathogen Protection
Pathogens that strike early in the season can devastate your entire crop. If you leave your seeds untreated, this very well may happen. However, when seeds undergo treatment for protection, a barrier is created that surrounds the seed so that pathogens can not harm the seedling. This ensures that the seeds have a much better chance of survival than they otherwise would.
Pest Protection
Just as with pathogens, a pest infestation early in the season can completely wipe out your expected crop. However, with seed treatments as a matter of protocol, pests are warded off from attacking the plant and it has a much better chance of surviving. The normal procedure is to apply an external pesticide as well as a systemic pesticide that enters the interior of the plant.
Starting Healthy
When a seedling can start off healthy by undergoing seed treatment in Crockett County, TN, it has a better chance of providing a more robust crop that season, which is the obvious endgame of any farm or farmer. The differences between treated roots and untreated roots are quite significant.