Why You Really Should Change Your Fridge Water Filter

by | Oct 23, 2018 | Water Filters

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Thinking of ditching your routine of changing your refrigerator water filters? Hold on a second. If you’re doing so to save money – or because you think your filter doesn’t do anything – you might want to think again. Read on to see why changing your filter should be on the top of your list, rather than stricken from it:

Healthier Hydration

You probably started using a water filter in the first place to get cleaner water than what comes out of your tap – or maybe it just came with the fridge. Either way, you’re certainly getting healthier water by using your fridge’s water filtration system. Many contaminants common to municipal water are invisible to the human eye, as well as tasteless and odorless. What’s more, neglecting to change the filter can lead to it breaking down and depositing water into your supply. That means dirtier water than you had before you filtered it. Yuck!

Cheaper than Bottled

Ok, so you know you don’t want to drink tap water, but did you know that bottled water costs at least 300 times what tap water does? That can add up to a lot over a single year, much less the multiple years most people use their filtration systems for. To save big, use your filter for clean – cheap – water.


Along with saving you money, refrigerator water filters also help save the earth. How? There are over 500 million plastic bottles being dumped into rivers, lakes, streams, and the ocean every year. Using your filter instead of a plastic bottle will help save the planet along with money.

Cleaner than Bottled and City Water Alone

If all of these reasons don’t convince you, here’s a simple fact: filtered water is cleaner than both unfiltered tap water and bottled water. Bottlers don’t have strict regulations for what can and cannot be in their finished product, meaning that many – as many as forty, in a recent study – chemicals and dangerous substances can end up in your drinking water. To prevent this, get in touch with your water filtration retailer and get fitted for a fridge filter – or stock up on filters and get yours changed today!

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